1 |
국내 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
Greenhouse gases science and technology |
2152-3878 |
A comprehensive review of contemporary strategies and approaches for the treatment of HFC-134a |
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2 |
국외 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis |
0165-2370 |
Catalytic thermal decomposition of tetrafluoromethane (CF4): A review |
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3 |
국외 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
Sustainability |
2071-1050 |
Prediction of Solid Waste Generation Rates in Urban Region of Laos Using Socio?Demographic and Economic Parameters with a Multi Linear Regression Approach |
바로가기 |
4 |
국외 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
biosensors |
2079-6374 |
Transcription Factor-Based Biosensors for Detecting Pathogens |
바로가기 |
5 |
국외 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
Water |
2073-4441 |
Bismuth-Chitosan Nanocomposite Sensors for Trace Level Detection of Ni(II) and Co(II) in Water Samples |
바로가기 |
6 |
국내 |
일반학술지 |
한국물환경학회지 |
22890971 |
입력자료 군집화에 따른 앙상블 머신러닝 모형의 수질예측 특성 연구 |
바로가기 |
7 |
국외 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
Journal of hazardous materials |
0304-3894 |
Recent advances in biosensors for detecting viruses in water and wastewater |
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8 |
국외 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
micromachines |
2072-666X |
Direct Mercury Detection in Landfill Leachate Using a Novel AuNP-Biopolymer Carbon Screen-Printed Electrode Sensor |
바로가기 |
9 |
국외 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
2227-9717 |
Different Adsorption Behavior between Perfluorohexane Sulfonate (PFHxS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) on Granular Activated Carbon in Full-Scale Drinking Water Treatment Plants |
바로가기 |
10 |
국외 |
SCI(E)학술지 |
energies |
19961073 |
Determination of Relationship between Higher Heating Value and Atomic Ratio of Hydrogen to Carbon in Spent Coffee Grounds by Hydrothermal Carbonization |
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