홈 > President’s Greetings
Land, infrastructure, and transport R&D is a pivotal sector that is directly tied to elements of citizen well-being, such as welfare, safety, and convenience.
Furthermore, land, infrastructure, and transport R&D brings technology into our daily lives, as we now entered the era of 4th Industrial Revolution centered on the integration of cutting-edge technology and infrastructure.
Therefore, land, infrastructure, and transport R&D is rapidly growing in significance as it boosts the country’s twin pillars: national competitiveness and quality of life.
Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) is the sole government-affiliated R&D institution under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport that takes charge of:
● planning, management, and evaluation of land, infrastructure and transport R&D
● certification of new construction and transportation technology; and,
● evaluation of technology.
KAIA strives to ensure that land, infrastructure, and transport R&D contributes to building a happier environment for all citizens.
To that end, KAIA is developing and supporting R&D initiatives that can actually touch the lives of our citizens by addressing public service needs and social issues. Expansion of investment in future drivers of growth is another key focus.
In addition, KAIA aims to deliver more jobs by integrating R&D accomplishments into the industry. As a public institution, we are also engaging in various activities to pursue open innovation and to fulfill our social responsibility.
We ask for your continued interest and support, which is essential for KAIA to serve as an intellectual hub that leads the way into the new era of 4th Industrial Revolution and to achieve land, infrastructure, and transport R&D that improves our citizen’s quality of life.
Thank you.